Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is a celebrated American actor, producer, and filmmaker. Famed for his dramatic roles in film and...
José Pedro Balmaceda Pascal (known in Spanish as [xo?se ?peð?o ?alma?seða pas?kal]; born on April 2, 1975) is actor with dual Chilean-American citi...
Mescal is known as an actor from Ireland. He gained recognition for his performance in the miniseries *Normal People*, in which he earned a Primetime ...
Glance is a pre-installed feature that is available in smartphone brands like Motorola and Tracfone in the US market. Enabling the Glance Smart Lock S...
If you’re craving Hollywood thrills in your regional language, here’s a list of Hollywood movies in Hindi for your weekend Binge list. Dimension o...
From heart-pounding disaster flicks to light-hearted teen rom-coms, Dimension on Demand (DOD) has something for everyone. Their extensive library incl...
A "glance lock screen" refers to a feature found in smartphones or smart devices where the lock screen displays essential information at a glance with...